Our Featured Artists for the evening:

Michael Dressel
Born in East Berlin in 1958 Michael Dressel spent his time behind the Iron Curtain
painting, photographing and cavorting with fellow dissidents. After trying to escape
from the East by climbing the Wall and being caught he was send to prison for two years. Upon completion of this exercise in character building and more troubles with the authorities, they realized he had become too much of a nuisance and kicked him out of the workers paradise. Two years in West Berlin followed before he was washed up on the shores of Los Angeles were he is still toiling in obscurity.

Johnny Rios
Born and raised in Los Angeles California, Johnny Rios discovered himself as a photographer after his hard break up. Sadden and devastated over the situation, Johnny began looking for ways to lift his sprit again. Through trial and error, the best thing he did was purchase a camera.
Photography seemed to heal the pain and thanks to photography Johnny finds himself on the track to being a force to be reckoned with in Fashion Photography.

Michael M. Kluch
Michael is a photographer/artist/educator who was born in Chicago Illinois. At twelve, while investigating the hidden places of his grandparents basement, he discovered his uncles abandoned darkroom and taught himself to process and print black and white film. He received his BA in photography/film from the University of Illinois/Chicago.
Shortly after graduating he and his wife sold everything in their tiny apartment, packed the dogs in their VW bus and left with no particular destination except to see and photograph as much as possible.
They were in Pasadena when they ran out of money and Michael took a job at a photographic supply and began assisting a number of L.A. studio photographers. He opened his first of three studios in Los Angeles two years later, photographing advertising and commercial assignments while continuing to work on personal art projects.
Michael is currently working on a series of Rust and Water images. He continues to work on his Fire photographs (photographing light as the subject) and the Re-surfaced project which reconsiders classic figure studies as two dimensional sculptures celebrating the grace and beauty of the human form.
Art Night Los Angeles
Jose Vera Gallery
Pasadena Central Library
Art Night Pasadena
No Boundaries Exhibit
Gold Line Exhibit