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Do you have what it takes to be a Fantazzmo Girl?


Are you hot, sexy, in control and fierce?


We are looking for you!

Submit your photos to be considered:

-include your name, age, contact email, contact #


The winners will recieve Fantazzmo swag and the chance to be featured in their music video and part of the Luscious event in one of their songs.


You will be the Celebrity for the nite and taking photos with event goers!

**Contest ends January 25th at midnight


Participants must be:

1. 21 and over

2. available on feb 8th from 4 p.m. till end of event

follow us on Facebook to see whats up!


Luscious Productions


Live art and music event , Luscious productions

Go to  out Facebook page to see the girls on the swings with angels!

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